Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Ivermectin Gospel

Most people think that "gospel" means "truth" but the actual meaning is "good news".

This is a collection of positive articles about ivermectin and its use against Covid-19.  God knows there's enough negative articles out there so this is my attempt to balance that out.

For the science behind ivermectin, see my original Ivermectin vs. Covid page.

December 2021

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021


June 2021


May 2021








April 2021   


Defensor, Marcoleta to distribute Ivermectin ‘to those in dire need of drug’

Two more hospitals granted limited use of ivermectin vs COVID-19







March 2021 










February 2021














January 2021         

















December 2020 







November 2020  


Benha University Breakthrough: Randomized Controlled Trial Shows Ivermectin Effective for Treating COVID-19 & as Prophylaxis

October 2020 

MedinCell Initiates the First Clinical Trial of Its Covid-19 Prevention Program 

New Proteomics Analysis May Show How Ivermectin Fights COVID-19

Peer-Reviewed Results of Bangladesh Medical College Prospective Study: Ivermectin & Doxycycline Combination Effectively Treats Mild to Moderate COVID-19

Some doctors think they’ve found a cheap, generic drug which treats COVID-19. So why hasn’t anyone heard of it?

An Old Drug Tackles New Tricks: Ivermectin Treatment in Three Brazilian Towns

Ivermectin treatment 'could bring us all together by Christmas'

Southern California Research Institute Receives FDA Greenlight for Ivermectin Clinical Trial

Ivermectin Moves Towards Mainstream

August 2020 

Read more here:

Zagazig University Randomized Controlled Ivermectin Study Results Confirms PI Hypothesis: Drug Effective Against COVID-19

Lucknow admin to set up kiosks for distribution of Ivermectin tablets

Merck: Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers

Topelia Therapeutics Leading Studies to Commercialize Ivermectin Targeting COVID-19 Infection

Ivermectin Breaking into American News as Doctors Come Forward & Share Treatments for COVID-19

Ivermectin to be used for Covid treatment in UP to replace hydroxychloroquine 

Australian Triple Therapy for COVID-19: 'Wonder Drug' Ivermectin in a Triple Therapy Should be Used for COVID-19 Cure and Prevention in Victoria says Professor who Developed Peptic Ulcer Cure

Brazilian Ivermectin sales in June surpass entire 2019 figures

UP govt directs use of drug Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19 patients, to replace HCQ 

Ivermectin tablet effective in prevention and treatment of corona - Additional Chief Secretary Health released GO

July 2020 

Dr Tarek Alam: Unleashing the potential of Ivermectin

Age-old drug to rein in corona?

Peru: University students produce ivermectin for COVID-19 patients

What happened in Iquitos (Peru)?

June 2020  

Bangladesh begins ivermectin trial in COVID-19 patients 

In Pursuit of Real-World Ivermectin Stories: Tales from Pathanamthitta 

Israeli researcher: Antiparasitic drug could 'cure' coronavirus 

Johns Hopkins to Conduct an Ivermectin Study with Hospitalized Patients Infected with COVID-19 

Bangladesh doctors claim to have found effective drug combination to cure COVID-19 patients 

Bangladesh Medical Team Claims Ivermectin With Doxycycline Clears COVID-19 

New Study to Assess the Efficacy of Ivermectin Against COVID-19 

University of Kentucky launches clinical trial to look at new ways to treat COVID-19 

Mexican Hospital Starts Clinical Trial Testing Ivermectin in Serious, Non-Critical Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients 

Mexican Federal Government Commences Ivermectin Clinical Trials Targeting COVID-19

Breakthrough Drug: Ivermectin Shows 'Astounding' Results Against Coronavirus 

Broward County Doctor Using Ivermectin Off-Label Combo on COVID-19 Patients—It is Working & Secures County Health Protocol Approval 

Tanta University PI Sponsors Ivermectin Studies Targeting COVID-19 in up to 160 Patients While Safety is a Concern for Regulators 

After 48 days of treatment, Shirley defeats COVID-19 

MedinCell: Adapt and overcome in response to the Covid-19 crisis 

Professor William Campbell, who shared a Nobel Prize for his role in the discovery of Ivermectin has been sharing his thoughts on the major developments 

Antiparasitic drug ivermectin reduces coronavirus fatality rate: American researchers 


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Self Organization - God or Magic?

You watch intently as the magician fans out the cards revealing it to be a normal 52 card deck. You keep a close eye on his hands as he gathers the cards back into a stack, turns the deck over and taps it with one finger.  As he fans out the cards again, you’re amazed to see that every card is now an Ace of Spades! How did he do it, you ask, what is the trick?

Any rational person knows that this is not done by “magic”. We know that there is a rational explanation, that it is an illusion, using slight of hand. We know this because we know that cards do not spontaneously rearrange themselves into other cards.  We can confidently conclude that the illusion was carefully crafted and carried out by the magician.

But what if we were able to film the trick in super slow motion and examine the card deck under the highest powered microscope and observe as the cards actually do reorganize their molecules into Aces of Spades?  Would we believe it was magic then?  Or, would we still hold that there was a trick to it and that the magician must have come up with an as-yet unknown invention to induce the cards into reconfiguring themselves?  I would certainly hope that it would be the latter!  To believe it to be magic, with no rational explanation, would be intellectually lazy and foolish.

So what of the universe and all of its observed self-organization?  What is the rational explanation for that?  Is it magic?  Or, is it carefully crafted using an as-yet unknown method?  I would certainly hope that it would be the latter, as to believe it to be magic, with no rational explanation, would be intellectually lazy and foolish.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Viable Alternative to Revolution

The French people are revolting against an unresponsive government that caters to the rich and marginalizes the average citizen. Revolution is happening there. We don’t know what the outcome will be, we’ll have to wait and see. It might fizzle out, it might violently be put down, it might overthrow the government. The state has all the power except for the one power they cannot control - popular opinion. Once an idea becomes a movement, it can become reality. We’ve seen it before. But at what cost? How many will die in France before that happens? (If it happens.) And then what will happen? What kind of government will they have? Revolution is a very messy, very open-ended, process.

The American government is hopelessly out of control as well. The corporations, the big banks and the rich control every aspect of it—no matter which party is in power—and we the people seem helpless. Everyone knows this, everyone complains about it, but what can we do? Short of revolution, what can we do?

When "pro-regulation" Democrats are in power, they implement regulations that help the big corporations and banks and stifle any competition from small businesses. When "anti-regulation" Republicans are in power they repeal regulations that hinder big corporations and banks and have somehow managed to foster competition by helping small businesses in some minute way. Both parties enlist the affected corporations to assess the impact on their industry and to help them draft the legislation. Either way, big money wins, we the people lose. Everyone knows this, but short of revolution, what can we do?

No matter which party is in power, we always seem to find a way to manufacture some new enemy so we can go to war and keep the big defense corporations and the banks rolling in that sweet government dough. In the meantime, the average citizen joins up, goes to war and gets killed or maimed or forever changed in ways we who have not experienced it cannot fathom. And the corporate-owned media cheerleads from the sidelines and tells us that any good patriot will "support the troops", implying of course that we must support the beholden politicians who make wars for the corporations at the expense of the people - especially the troops. Again, big money wins, we the people lose. But short of revolution, what can we do?

No matter which party is in power, the government continues to make popular things illegal and then relentlessly enforces those laws to populate the prisons with the poor people who can’t afford the lawyers necessary to decipher the laws that their comrades have drawn up. Of course the state-entangled, corporate media continually feeds us the narrative that these people, and the things they do, are evil and that we need to "do something about it", resulting in a popular outcry for more of the same. But what can we do. Short of revolution, what can we do?

We have been led to believe that there are significant differences between the two parties yet both parties continue to make government bigger and more intrusive—taking away more of our freedoms—while at the same time devaluing the dollar—taking away more of our purchasing power. It may come as a shock to learn that, for roughly the first 100 years of our country's existence, the value of the dollar remained unchanged. Yes that's right. If grandma, in 1912, said "100 years ago you could buy a loaf of bread for a nickel", her grandkids would laugh and say "grandma, a loaf of bread still costs a nickel!" That's because in 1912, the monetary supply hadn't been handed over to the banking industry yet. That didn't happen until 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created. Today, we just accept the fact that prices will always go up. Net result: banks win, we lose - again!  But, again, short of revolution, what can we do?

The 'red vs. blue', 'Democrat vs. Republican', 'right vs. left', 'liberal vs. conservative' narrative has been endlessly fed to us by the corporate media and we Americans have swallowed it hook, line and sinker. We have been duped into believing that we are in one of two camps and that everyone in our camp is "one of the good people" while everyone in the other camp is "the enemy". We, like lambs being led to the slaughter, consistently argue for one party or the other even though we know that both parties are bought and paid for. No matter which party we argue for, no matter which party we are frightened into voting for, big money wins and we the people lose. But... well you know the question.

What power do we the people have? That is the question we should be asking. We don’t have the money, and voting is useless - right? Right? I mean, voting is so pointless that most people don’t even bother. No matter which party we vote for, nothing changes, big money wins, we the people lose. If only we could do something different. If only there were some way to “vote them all out”. If only there were some alternative political parties that weren’t beholden to big money. Of course there are all the “third” parties out there but they can’t win, they have no money, no name recognition.  Heck, we don’t even know what they stand for because the corporate media won’t tell us.

But wait. Isn’t that exactly what we’ve been asking for? Political parties with no corporate donors? Political parties with no favors to sell? With no career politicians to enrich? But they can’t win. Nobody votes third party. That’s stupid, a complete waste of a vote. That’s what the corporate media always tells us. But what if we quit listening to the corporate media? What if everyone ignored the lie that ‘a third party can’t win’ and went ahead and voted third party anyway? What if we all agreed to boycott both corporate parties? What would happen then?

Well let me tell you what would happen.  If we all vote third party, in just one election cycle we would wipe out the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate! That’s in just one election. In three elections we would completely turn the government over - House, Senate and President. That’s in just six years! And the beauty of it is, it doesn’t matter which party we choose, as long as it's not one of the corporate parties. This would essentially create a new government, with multiple new parties, who would have to form coalitions around ideas and issues to get anything done. The same thing would happen at the state and local level as well.

Make no mistake about it, this actually could happen, we just need an awakening. If this idea takes root and starts to spread, it can become a movement, and once a movement starts, and people who are fed up hear about it, it could become a reality. We the people have this power. We still have the vote, as long as we don't waste it on one of the corporate parties! It’s something we can do. Without revolution, without riots, without mass marches, without firing a shot! It's something we can, and should, do.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Second Amendment and Militia

Many of the left's current gun control arguments focus on the original intent of the framers of the Constitution and their use of the word "militia" in the 2nd amendment. Ignoring the welcome, sudden, midstream shift from 'living document' to 'originalist' constitutional interpretation--albeit purely out of political expediency--we shall focus on the framer's intent in this regard.

First, the text of the amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
There are several questions which need to be answered from the perspective of the times in which the amendment was written.
  1. What was a militia?  
A militia was a group of 'citizen soldiers' pulled from the general population at a moments notice.
  1. Where did the militia get its arms?
The militia's weapons belonged to the individual citizens.
  1. How does a militia compare to a standing army?
A standing army was a group of professional soldiers whose weapons were supplied by their government.
  1. Who would a militia fight against?
A militia would fight against invaders--either standing armies or other militias.
  1. Who has the right to keep and bear arms?
The people.

From this little exercise it is easy to see that the obvious interpretation of the second amendment, from an originalist standpoint, is that the people have the right to keep and bear weaponry sufficient to fight against an aggressor army or militia at a moments notice if called upon to do so.

Perhaps the left should go back to their living document approach.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How Does Evolution Work?

For the life of me I can't figure out how evolution works.  I mean, I know in theory how it works---mutations, what works is kept, what doesn't is discarded---but I can't figure out how it actually works. 

I've been reading a cellular biology textbook for awhile now, and I find myself asking the same question on every page.  At the subcellular level, life consists of sequences of chemical reactions between all manner of molecular structures, in highly regulated step-by-step processes, interdependent with and coordinated with other processes on the same or higher levels.  How does a strictly regulated, interdependent, coordinated, complex sequence of events evolve?  Does it evolve from another strictly regulated, interdependent, coordinated, complex sequence of events?  How does that happen?  If it's a necessary sequence---as it must be to be there in the first place---you can't just change it so that it does something else with no regulation or coordination; that would be disastrous.  It all has to fit... it all has to work... every step, every time, or else it's discarded - right?

I'm asking the question in all honesty.  Seriously, if anyone has an answer, please comment below.  I want to get specific though.  I want to get into the nuts and bolts of how some existing sequence evolved, every step of the way: what it was previously, what it was at every change and why that would be conserved, and what it is today.  I'm not interested in a 'Creation vs. Evolution' debate, nor will I respond to trolls.  If you don't have an actual answer then please just go away.

Life is Unnatural

Life is unnatural.  Yes I believe that.  The natural state of something is the state in which it would remain if left alone, (think of how gases disseminate, or dust settles).   Life is unnatural because--rather than settle out, or disseminate--the things that work together to make something alive defy nature at every turn. 

Let me give one brief example.  Biological organisms are chock full of molecular structures called 'enzymes' which could be characterized as the 'worker bees' of cellular function: they get things done.  Now, there are certain enzymes that do nothing but facilitate chemical reactions.  We're not talking about everyday, run-of-the-mill, natural chemical reactions.  No, these chemical reactions take place at rates sometimes thousands or even millions of times faster and significantly cooler than they would occur 'naturally' (that is, unaided).  Normally, increasing the rate would increase the temperature, but enzymes somehow manage to make these reactions occur at faster rates and cooler temps. 

So you have these molecular structures, with no minds of their own, working together with other molecular structures, to bring about just the right chemical reaction, at just the right rate, and just the right temperature, to sustain life.  Now why would molecules do that?  What possible reason would a molecule have to work together with other molecules for anything?  It's positively unnatural!  Of course it's not just enzymes, there are thousands of molecular complexes throughout the biological realm that are actively working to circumvent nature.

Now if we were to witness unthinking entities doing unnatural things (like say, the brooms in the scene from Fantasia depicted above) we would immediately think "magic"... right?  No, actually "magic" would be the last thing a rational person would think.  We would suspect trickery or some sort of intelligent intervention to give the appearance of magic.  Why?  Because unthinking entities don't do things like that on their own.  It's just not natural.  So why do we give life a pass?  Why do we believe life is some sort of magical miracle and not the result of intelligent intervention?

I don't believe in magic.  Do you?

What Microsoft's Racist Chatbot Teaches Us About Austrian Economics

I'm sure we've all heard by now about Microsoft's failed chatbot experiment (where the Internet corrupted an innocent AI in just one day).  But what does that have to do with Austrian Economics?  Just this: the programmers of "Tay" the chatbot could not have predicted what millions of Internet users were going to do, and this--the unpredictability of human actions--is the central tenet of Austrian Economics.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

It's Time We ALL Vote Third Party!

For the sake of America, we need to end the two party stranglehold on politics in this country.  It is so bad now that even the most independent minded voters parrot the two-party-line that they must not "waste their vote" on a third party.  The thing is, voting for Democrats or Rebublicans is actually wasting a vote because it is just a vote to maintain the status quo.

We voters have been brainwashed into believing that there are significant differences between the two parties - but there are not.  The only real difference is in what they say.  They all appeal to their base - usually promising to spend more money on things their base wants.  As for how they actually govern - well, it's just one big lovefest: both parties in total collusion keeping the war machine going, the big banks happy, and the debt for future generations rising!!!

So why not just do it?   There are more unaffiliated voters in this country than there are Democrats or Republicans.  If every unaffiliated voter refused to vote D or R, that would be it - game over!!  So why don't we ALL vote third party this time around?  It doesn't really matter which third party candidate you vote for - as long as it's not a Democrat or Republican.  Just one election cycle with no votes for Democrats or Rebublicans would be enough to do it.  Congress would be filled with enough new blood, and new ideas, to effectively end crony-capitalism, the military industrial complex, corporate welfare, and all of the other evils perpetrated by the two-party duopoly on America.  If we want to send a loud, clear message to Washington D.C. (and to all our state and local governments as well), then refuse to vote Democrat or Republican.

So vote third party this time - and save America!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

On ISIS, Vietnam and the Military Industrial Complex

Right now, most conservatives truly believe that ISIS, and Islamic jihadists in general, are the greatest threat to American security on the globe.  That is total hogwash.  

Now, does that mean that I don't believe Islamic jihadists are dangerous?  No, I think they're dangerous, just like the communists in Vietnam were dangerous.  Are they 'greatest threat to American security on the globe, engage the entire US war machine' dangerous?  No way.  They are a localized threat to a distant region.  (At least that's all they would be if we left it alone!)  

In Vietnam, we were told by the American military propaganda machine that a failure to engage the communists would have a 'domino effect' - that communism would spread throughout the globe and that freedom everywhere would disappear.  Of course the only way to fight such an evil was with a limited, protracted military engagement that could never realistically be won but was guaranteed to keep the money flowing into corporate coffers.  (Sound familiar?)  And what good did it do?  Not a dang bit.  Saigon fell, we got the heck out, the communists took over and now we have trade and travel between our nations.  

Wait...  What?  

Yep, that's right, the domino effect was a lie.  After Saigon fell and the communists took over, their attempts to imprison the entire nation failed and eventually borders were opened and trade with Western nations was allowed.  And, just like the domino effect, the Islamic jihadist scare is also a lie.  You see, every totalitarian regime will eventually collapse under its own weight.  This is because it is impossible to enslave an entire population.  The average Vietnamese citizen was not a die-hard communist, just like the average Muslim is not a fanatical jihadist.  These are just people.  People with families, businesses, hopes and dreams.  In other words, they're just like us.  And if we, as a people, would rise up, dismantle the Military Industrial Complex, stop the senseless military engagements, bring the troops home and try something like, oh I don't know, free trade, we might just find that the average middle easterner would throw off the shackles the jihadists are trying to impose on them, and that political ideology would collapse under its own weight as well.

Monday, October 5, 2015

On the UCC shooting, gun control, and good and evil

Driving home from work the day after the UCC shooting, I heard local sports radio personality Jason Scukanec talking about the shooting and his reaction to it. He said that he was "tired of this happening" and that it made him want to "get rid of all of his guns". As a second amendment guy, my initial reaction was negative, but as I thought about it, I realized that his was a normal reaction for a good person to have to such a senseless, violent act. Good people do that, they see a problem and want to do something about it, even if it means personal sacrifice. Good people give and sacrifice for the good of others.

But that's not what bad people do. Bad people take. They take from others for their own ends, with no thought of the harm they are doing. That's the way of the world: there are good people and bad people - givers and takers - and even if all of the good people in the world threw all of their guns into the sea, it would not stop one bad person from continuing to use guns to take lives from others. The two actions are mutually exclusive.

Then I realized... we don't need to ban guns, we need to ban evil. If only there was a way, I thought, to gather all of the bad people up and send them off someplace where they could never interact with the good people again. That's what we need! Then it occurred to me, isn't that what heaven and hell are all about?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Danger Of Christian Conservatism

   Throughout the history of Christendom, whenever society has turned away from perceived Christian principles, (those of the denomination in power at the time), the church has turned to government coercion to force people to act according to said principles.  This is where we are in America right now.  Christian conservatives (chriscons) see sky-rocketing out-of-wedlock birth rates, gay marriage, abortion, and all manner of societal ills as evidence (sound evidence) that society is no longer bound by Christian principles.  And now these chriscons are looking for the government to step in and force people to live by biblical law.
   As a Christian Libertarian, I worry about this trend.  This tactic not only pushes for further governmental intrusion into private lives and beliefs, it also has the potential to backfire.  These chriscons trust certain "Christian" or "conservative" politicians to implement laws regulating private aspects of human behavior, never realizing that once we allow government jurisdiction over such private matters, we open the door for non-Christian, non-conservative politicians to use this new-found jurisdiction to legislate against those very Christian principles.  We see this today.  Christians push for laws excluding gays from marriage and certain other rights and, instead, we get laws requiring Christian businesses and churches to recognize and not discriminate against these things.
   So what's the alternative?  Well, the church should remain the church.  There is no biblical mandate in the New Testament for the church to govern man by coercion.  None.  And appeals to Old Testament laws are irrelevant to New Testament Christianity.  No, the church should insist strongly on the separation of church and state.  The church must wake up and recognize that the only way it will be free to be the church is if it is a separate entity entirely from government.  Therefore  it must sever all ties with government in order to eliminate any and all governmental influence and jurisdiction over spiritual matters.  The church must realize that once church and government become intertwined, government oversight of private matters is virtually guaranteed.
   Instead, the church should simply do what it was instructed to do: preach the gospel, pray, give to the poor... these are the biblical principles that will change society.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Rush To War

ISIS beheads another Westerner and I suspect we'll soon be bombarded with pundits calling for more military actions against the terrorist organization. But shouldn't we be asking why they are making such public spectacles of these beheadings? It's almost like they want war! Well, believe it or not, they do. If you pay attention to what these Islamists are saying, they've been pretty clear about it, and the Islamist goal hasn't changed: they want to unite the Islamic world in war against the West. And they've discovered the perfect strategy to do so - incite the West into military action that is sure to kill civilians which, in turn, inflame Muslims into believing that the West just wants to kill them. Pretty simple and effective. And we fall for it every time! Of course there's lots of money to be made in war so the politicians don't really have too many qualms about any of this. Until the American people wake up and refuse to fall for this, we'll continue to be hoodwinked into endless war.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Proposed Constitutional Amendments

I recently tweeted three proposed Constitutional amendments on my Twitter page and I’d like to flesh out my reasons for doing so here (where I’m not bound by the 140 character limit).

Here are the amendments:
  1. No public funds shall be used to subsidize, promote or foster any private enterprise or branch of industry.
  2. No individual, unless employed by the federal government, shall receive public funds.
  3. Any state passing a law declaring its intention to secede from the union shall be allowed to freely do so.

So let’s take them one at a time.
No public funds shall be used to subsidize, promote or foster any private enterprise or branch of industry.

This is pretty self-explanatory – this ends corporate welfare.  If enacted it would stop our politicians from rewarding their corporate sponsors.  It would also make this country a level playing field for businesses, because the government would no longer be able to pick winners and losers – the market (that’s us!) would do that!  Think about it, had this been the law of the land in 2008, the massive 700 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street would have been illegal. 
No individual, unless employed by the federal government, shall receive public funds.

This is similar to #1 only it is aimed at individuals.  This would make it illegal for the government to take money from one person and give it to another.  Now, before everyone gets all up in arms about the poor and needy, let me just point out that there is a way for the government to support the poor and needy – it would have to hire them!  That’s right – instead of giving people money because they are poor, the government would have to give them a job.  No more “money for nothing”!
Any state passing a law declaring its intention to secede from the union shall be allowed to freely do so.

OK, this is probably the most controversial one – if only because we’ve been conditioned to equate “secession” with “slavery” in this country.  This has nothing to do with slavery however; it is all about checks and balances.   The Articles of Confederation – the law of the land before the Constitution – created a government that was essentially a loose confederation of sovereign states.  Because of this, many of the framers of the Constitution were very concerned that a new federal government would eventually engulf and obliterate the states.  They spent hours debating ways to create branches of government that would be independent of one another and, if need be, oppose one another.  The idea was to combat tyranny – which would certainly creep in if one branch of government got too powerful or if two branches could collude together with no way for another to oppose them.  Well, the ability for a state to secede from the union is a check on federal power.  This is nothing new, there was talk of secession almost from the beginning, but there are those in power now who would insist (as Lincoln did) that no state has the right to secede and that all measures – including war – can be used to stop that from happening.  That, friends, is tyranny!  This union of states – if not voluntary – is coerced.  This amendment would end that once and for all.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Currently Reading...

The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates

I bought this for the Anti-Federalist papers (I'd heard of the Federalist papers but had never heard of the Anti-Federalist papers) but the first half of the book is taken up by the Constitutional convention debates.  So far, those are very interesting - especially Alexander Hamilton's push for complete central government authority.  I have yet to get to the actual Anti-Federalist papers.

The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War

Wow! This one has been a real eye opener.  I had no idea Lincoln was such a tyrant (and there's really no other word that adequately describes him!)

The Bill of Rights Primer: A Citizen's Guidebook to The American Bill of Rights

Very good book.  Really enlightening - especially for the way it contextualizes the document and explains the perspectives and motives of the authors.  The section on trial by jury alone is worth the price of admission!

A Second Federalist: Congress Creates A Government

Brief excerpts from early congressional debates that show Congress grappling with issues of power, authority, liberty and state's rights.  I find it interesting that as early as 1800 measures were already being discussed to limit the freedom of the press.