Monday, January 9, 2012

US Foreign Policy: More Big Government

Why is the US taxpayer paying for the "defense" of Germany, Japan, and South Korea?  Aren't these all prosperous countries capable of paying for their own militaries?  Why then is the US taxpayer saddled with the bill? 

Well, it turns out the answer is pretty simple: Like every other government program, our military bases overseas (there are around 900 of them!) are just a symptom of a bloated federal government's constant overreach.  Installing military bases all over the globe is nothing more than big government trying to solve the world's problems.  That's right, not content with solving all domestic problems, our wonderful government has decided that it, (and only it), can solve all of the world's problems as well!  If you're for small government, you should be against the ever expanding role of the federal government - including its expansion into the affairs of sovereign nations around the world that are, truth be told, none of its business!  (Just like most of the domestic problems it is "solving".)

Here's the truth about our military bases overseas: The countries who want us there, don't need us there - they can afford to pay for their own defense; and the countries who don't want us are not worth defending anyway!  In fact there's ample evidence that a lot of our terrorism problems around the globe are generated from blowback due to our heavy handed interventionism.  We would actually be safer if we closed all our foreign bases.  If you doubt this, think of Canada: They are not being attacked by terrorist organizations like we are.  And why is this?  They have the same freedoms and lifestyle the world supposedly hates us for - so it can't be that.  The difference is that they have no foreign bases (that I know of anyway) and a non-interventionist foreign policy so they are not constantly inserting themselves into other nation's affairs.  (Even Canadian big government does not stretch to foreign lands!)

If any of the candidates for President are serious about ending BIG government (and only one of them is), they will pull the theiving hand of government out of our pockets, stop the spread of government into foreign lands, and keep OUR money here at home!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Why I Support Ron Paul

1.       Politics:
Ron Paul doesn’t play politics.  He’s unique in that he has principles that he doesn’t veer from – whether it is politically expedient for him or not.  He’s been saying the exact same thing for over 30 years (the political world just finally caught up to him!)  In short – he won’t flip/flop and he can’t be bought.
2.       Monetary Policy:
Ron Paul wants to restore the US dollar to a fixed value (the gold standard) and end the Federal Reserve’s power to print (inflate) money.  He argues that every time more money is printed, the dollar is devalued and everybody loses!
3.       Size and Scope of Government:
Ron Paul is the only candidate who I can guarantee would shrink the size and scope of government.  He is a strict constitutionalist who believes that the federal government should not be involved in half of the things it has involved itself in.  He is advocating ending whole departments.  He would end the Department of Education (created in the 70’s… just look at our test scores to gauge its effectiveness!) and a whole host of other departments.  His budget plan calls for $1 trillion in cuts the first year.  And these are not “cuts in growth” that politicians falsely call “cuts”; these are real cuts in spending.
4.       Foreign Policy:
Ron Paul is a non-interventionist (he is not an isolationist.)  What that means is that he wants the US to butt out of other nations affairs, but he does not advocate that we restrict trade between private US businesses and other countries.   He is also against all foreign aid. 
5.       Militarism:
Ron Paul would end our military presence in all 130 countries we are currently in (almost 900 bases!) and bring all the troops home to defend our own borders.  He also would not deploy troops unless there is a constitutional declaration of war (something that hasn’t happened since WWII!)  Once there is a constitutional declaration of war however, he would fight that war to WIN IT!!  There would be no long troop deployments with undefined mission goals under a Ron Paul presidency.  (This is probably why he receives more donations from active duty military than all the other Republican candidates combined!) 
6.       Israel:
Ron Paul would end all aid to Israel’s enemies and agree to never sell weapons to a nation hostile to Israel.  He would also cut the apron strings and quit trying to control Israel.  Many have called him “anti-Semitic” because he would end foreign aid to Israel as well, but they don’t consider how our foreign aid hinders Israel’s efforts to attain peace on its own terms.  He is the only candidate who would honor Israel’s sovereignty and allow the Jewish nation to live in its region, amongst its neighbors, in a way that only the people of Israel have a right to decide.
7.       Drugs:
Ron Paul would end the federal “War on Drugs” (States would still have the right to do as they wish regarding drugs.)  His policy would end ridiculous situations like the one in California where federal drug agents are raiding medical marijuana facilities that are legal in the State of California.  One lesson that we failed to learn during prohibition is that whenever you outlaw something popular, a black-market will immediately pop up to profit from it.  When we outlawed alcohol, gangsters made money running booze.  As soon as we legalized it again, the black market disappeared.  We have spent trillions on a war we can’t win and drug cartels are the only entity to profit from it.  It’s time to end the war on drugs.
8.       Other:
There are lots of other reasons I support Ron Paul, but I’ll leave it at that for now.  Any discussion on these issues is welcome!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

On "Spending Cuts"

Right now the congressional "super committee" is negotiating over a series of (what Washington calls) "spending cuts".  What they won't tell you is that these are not cuts at all - they are reductions in the growth of government.

The truth is that even the "deepest" cuts being negotiated would cut less (far less as a matter of fact) than a simple spending freeze!!!

They are negotiating an estimated $1.2 trillion in spending reductions over the next ten years - a period in which government spending will automatically grow by somewhere around $6 trillion!!!  So a $1.2 trillion "cut" is actually a $4.8 trillion increase in spending!  By this logic, a spending freeze would be a 6 trillion dollar cut!!!

No wonder nothing gets done in Washington!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Reasonable Faith

It is reasonable, (as shown extensively by Thomas Aquinas and others), to believe in God.

It is reasonable to believe that God is absolute goodness.

It is reasonable therefore to conclude that all other beings are necessarily less good than God.

It is reasonable to believe that a God who is absolutely good would have to be absolutely just.

It is reasonable to believe that an absolutely just God would have to punish every instance of evil (i.e. lack of goodness.)

It is reasonable to believe that an absolute good and an absolute just God would also be an absolutely forgiving God.

It is reasonable to believe therefore that God would offer a solution that would satisfy both His justice and His forgiveness.

It is reasonable to believe in Jesus.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What to do about Social Security

So everyone wants to "save" Social Security, but I think I have a better idea.

Here's my proposal:

Part 1.  Anyone who is currently on Social Security, and is over 65 years of age or legitimately disabled (no drug addict/alcoholic 'disabilities' allowed), stays on Social Security until they die.

Part 2.  Everyone else gets their money back!

So part 2 is the kicker.  Whatever you have paid into Social Security over the years is totaled up by the US government which then sends you a one-time check for that amount.  Take the money and invest for your retirement, or go blow it - it doesn't matter - it's your money! 

As for part 1: Social Security payments for those currently on it will come out of the general fund until everyone currently on it is dead.  Then that's it.  It's over.

So what happens when the people not currently on Social Security retire?  Well, if  they've planned ahead and invested wisely, they'll live as comfortably as they can from that income.  And if they haven't done all that?  Well then they don't retire, or they move in with their kids and their kids support them.  That's how it used to be in America before we became addicted to government. 

Isn't it time to return to that all-American concept called 'personal responsibility'?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama's War On Jobs

Barack Obama doesn't get it.  He really doesn't.  His "pass this bill now" speech shows a profound ignorance of the government's role in job creation.  He thinks the way to create jobs is to a) spend more money on government jobs and contracts, b) pay people not to work, and c) cut some taxes.  Of these, only "c" is even close.

So the President wants to spend (correction: borrow) $400+ billion in money we don't have (and can never pay back) - and for what?  Does he honestly expect the results to be different from his $1 trillion stimulus that already produced a net job loss?  Come on!  (You know what they say about the definition of "insanity"!)  You don't create jobs by taking money from the producers, filtering it through the bureaucratic nightmare that is the Federal Government, and then handing out the pittance that remains to a few favored unions and contractors.  That's crony capitalism, or, as it's more commonly known: "theft".

What the President fails to understand is that the government's role in creating jobs is precisely this: GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!

Here's an example:  If the government were to simply allow energy companies to drill for all the oil and natural gas, and mine for all the coal and oil shale that sits under the ground on American property, estimates are that this industry alone would add 1.8 million jobs to the economy virtually overnight!!  And how much would it cost the taxpayer?  $0.00!!!!!!!  Yep, that's right - zero dollars to add 1.8 million jobs with just the stroke of the pen.  Plus, the added workers would start paying taxes - thus adding to - not subtracting from - the federal coffers.  It's a win-win. 

And that's just one industry.  There are literally thousands of industries in this country that cannot expand, that cannot add jobs, that cannot build new plants because they are buried under a mountain of government regulations!  And the trend under Obama is for more regulation not less.  He thinks these businesses are evil because they produce that evil substance "carbon" (the same substance you and I produce by breathing!)  So his EPA, and myriad other federal agencies, are doing everything in their power to keep these "evil businesses" from doing anything!!!  If the government would just GET OUT OF THE WAY, these industries could thrive as well.

It's Economics 101.  Unfortunately it's something the President doesn't understand.  It's time to vote him out of there and to vote someone in who understands the role of government.  It's time for a "Change we can believe in"!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On Race and Racism

I'm white so I'm probably not allowed to say this but does anyone else see the racism of the "black leaders" (Sharpton, Jackson, in this country?

Now I'm not talking about reverse racism or how they view whites, I'm talking about how they view blacks!  For centuries people of various skin colors have been fighting stereotypes and insisting that skin color does not determine how one thinks or acts.  This was at the heart of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's message personified in his "I have a dream" speech.  His dream was that his "children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

The central tenet of racism is that skin color determines character, that skin color determines intelligence, that skin color determines how a person will act.  The Ku Klux Klan was famous for pronouncements lumping all blacks into a single category based solely on skin color.  That is racism.

And that is exactly what today's so called "leaders of the black community" are doing.  They are famous for speaking about blacks as if their skin color made them all fall in lock step with whatever political agenda they're selling!  That's racism... on a par, and equal to, the racism of the KKK... and it's just not true.  Black people do not all think alike just as white people don't all think alike, just as brown people, yellow people and red people don't all think alike.  Every person on this planet is an individual and makes their own choices.  Nobody makes choices because their skin color forces them to do so!!!

To insist otherwise is nothing more than racism.